Library Platformer Dev Log - Week 5

Fleeing Chicken image

We're excited to announce that we are currently in production on our next project—a 3D platformer game where you play as a chicken in a library! Yep, that's right—chicken in a library. This is a project that we are pretty passionate about because we all enjoy the 3D platformer genre and have wanted to make a 3D platformer for a while. And who doesn't love chickens? They're just so goofy.

Chicken walking gif
The inner workings of a chicken
This is a project that we're planning on taking 3 months to complete, a little longer than our previous projects. We're currently in week 5 of the development. The first 3 weeks were spent getting an MVP (or skateboard—see this link) to see if the concept we were going for was any good. At the end of week 6 we plan to have the first finished version of our game, with some time after that to really improve it and polish it.

This game is going to be very small and very simple: just one level with some collectibles, focusing mostly on the gameplay, specifically the player controller and abilities.  It's a good next step in developing our design chops to figure out how to take this 3D platformer genre and do something unique and fun with it.

Unaware Chicken image
Poor, unaware chicken

Here's a demonstration of one way in which we intend to do that. Chickens can't really fly, but we thought we at least needed to give this chicken a little more pizazz than just falling. So he falls with style. We added this dive and swoop mechanic which allows the player to build speed as they dive downward and then swoop back up. If executed well this ability is really satisfying and fun to pull off.

Well, we've got a week and a half to finish up the first version of the game and there's still a lot to do, so...back to work! Stay tuned in a couple of weeks to give our first draft a test drive!

- Devon Stern
  Project Manager / Lead Programmer

Devon Stern picture


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